About Us

Midway Methodist Church is a mid-sized church with programs designed to help people of all ages grow strong in the faith and in their love for the world our loving God created. You are welcome to visit and worship with us on our website and, of course, be our guest during Sunday morning worship service or at any of our other programs. Welcome!

Join us for


Sundays at 8:30 am – Modern Worship
Sundays at 10:30 am – Traditional Worship
Sundays at 9:30 am – Sunday School and Small Groups
Every DayWorship Online

Wednesdays at 9:00 am – Informal Prayer Session

Where we came from

Since a group of faithful Christians deeded some land in 1828 “on the west side of the public road leading from Salem to Lexington,” God has been worshipped and the community and world served at Midway MC. For over 185 years, Midway MC has been clear about its call from God to support the faith of its members, to provide for opportunities for salvation to its neighbors, and to support the families and the needs of the community and the world.

What was once a brush arbor is now a beautiful sanctuary, a fellowship hall and kitchen space, an educational building, and a Christian Fellowship Center built in 2002.

We believe God is still calling us to help in building the kingdom of God. We continue to reach beyond ourselves and to take God’s love beyond our church’s walls. We pray for one another, for our neighbors and the world, and work to provide help and hope to the spiritually and physically needy among us.

We would love for you to join in God’s mission to the world with us!

What we believe

Our bylaws detail our beliefs, vision, mission, governance, and operational activities here at Midway Church. We encourage you to read them and see if we are a good fit with your beliefs and vision for our sacred world.

Group of children and adults sitting on the floor listening to a teacher

Children and Youth Safety

At Midway Church, your child’s safety, comfort, and well-being are our top priorities. To ensure a secure and nurturing environment, we strictly adhere to the following guidelines and protocols. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Pastor.

Get to know us

Photo of Pastor Ron Garner
Ron Garner
Lauren Landfried
Preschool Director
Cookie Wilson
Administrative Assistant